Since the start November 2019 the Freightliner company has taken over the contract to operate the Somerset Quarries' joint Mendip Rail services, leading to considerable disruption in the pattern of movements established when DB Cargo was in charge. One consequence was the takeover of the entire Class 59/2 fleet which DBC had declared surplus to requirements, and the flagship No. 59201 is seen here, with its previous brand hastily removed, with the afternoon Acton to Merehead empties coming off Hungerford Common on 25th November 2019. Also at the head of the train are two of the existing Freightliner Class 66 fleet No. 66555 and No. 66538 which had been working out of Acton but are now returning to the Westbury area. Running an hour late, the train is only just recordable in the early onset of twilight on a gloomy afternoon.


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